Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

When it comes to protecting clean air and clean water there are no do-overs. We either act to preserve them or we leave their quality to chance. I firmly believe that we owe it to this generation as well as to the next to protect our precious natural resources from harm. I also believe that we can find a balance between encouraging economic growth and achieving this goal.

My opponent has been a champion for all sorts of reckless cutting of environmental protections. Rather than acting to protect our planet, Senator Wade has instead acted to protect the polluters. She backed a proposal which would have allowed for leachate, or the garbage juice which pools at the bottom of landfills, to be sprayed into the air so that it could evaporate. She backed a bill mandating that garbage trucks be merely "leak-resistant" rather than "leak-proof," which endangers the safety of our neighborhoods.

I'll work to pass laws which strengthen protections of our precious natural resources. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to do no less.
