Issue Position: Protecting Our Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As the chairwoman of the Illinois Green Legislative Caucus, Robyn Gabel is a champion for practical defense of the natural world. She believes future generations deserve a healthy environment, and that does not have to come at the expense of American small businesses. Under Robyn's moderation, Illinois has moved in a direction which favors conservation, safe energy creation, and preservation of our environment.

Environmental advocacy groups have backed Robyn for years due to her commitment to creating clean energy jobs while protecting our natural resources and creating beautiful public natural space. The Illinois Environmental Council has given her voting record a 100% positive rating for the past five years. The Sierra Club, a preeminent national conservation initiative, has endorsed Robyn as well.

Robyn Gabel was a champion of the Clean Energy Jobs Act when it passed in 2016, which has saved and created thousands of clean energy new economy jobs while bringing tens of millions in outside investment and hundreds of millions in savings for consumers.

Robyn's voting record on the environment includes:

HB 1558: In 2011, Robyn filed, sponsored, and voted Yes on HB 1558, which created the Lake Michigan Offshore Wind Energy Council in an effort to bring 21st century clean energy jobs to Illinois.

HB 5789: In 2012, Robyn voted Yes on HB 5789, which protected the natural beauty of our state parks and ensured they were properly funded.

HB 5741: In 2018, Robyn filed, sponsored, and voted Yes on HB 5741, which created a program to study the effects of microcompounds in our drinking water and to develop strategies to keep our water safe.
