Issue Position: Civil Rights

Issue Position

As a Latina, LGBTQI, Woman, I have spent my entire adult life on the front lines demanding equality, fairness, and respect. In college, I was the first woman to run for student body president. As the President of Boulder Pride, now Out Boulder, I personally helped many victims of hate crimes and brought people together to advocate for their rights. No Coloradan should face discrimination because of who they love or who they are.

I thought we had come a long way from when I had to march for my rights and equality, but unfortunately the election of Donald Trump showed that is not the case. I completely empathize with everyone who feels threatened by the Trump Administration. Unfortunately we face many challenges at the state level as well. Year in and year out, Colorado Republicans try to pass hateful and dangerous laws like shutting down the Colorado Civil Rights division or allowing businesses to discriminate under the guise of religious freedom. We can not to allow businesses or individuals to pick and choose which laws to follow. Our businesses, schools and courthouses must be open and accessible to all people. I will work tirelessly to oppose these hateful bills.

I believe transgender Coloradans should be allowed to change their birth certificates and immigrants should be able to have identity documents without harassment. I will work toward banning Conversion Therapy, which has been proven to be dangerous, hateful and discredited.

As your representative, I will do everything in my power to guarantee that all Coloradans feel safe and welcome in our state.
