Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Education

Technology is likely the most dynamic force our educational system has ever experienced. It is more important now than ever before for our schools to be equipped with the resources necessary to keep our children ahead in these rapidly changing times. To advance the future of TN children, our teachers in all grades must keep up with advanced learning methods that include technology of the future. On the flip side, not everyone wants to be a doctor, lawyer or businessman and we must create extremely strong vocational paths for students who choose the jobs that keep America running.

For example, some of our local businesses have come up with a program called Ride and Decide. It allows young people the chance to tag along with trades people to figure out if they enjoy one trade or another.

Some kids struggle with high school. Not because they are not intelligent. They often are just not interested. Since education is intended to prepare us for life why not allow the kids to get high school credit for entering a program like this?

The benefits include; reducing the number of overcrowded classrooms; very little expense to the tax payer; businesses need the people; most importantly, a kid might figure out what they want to do, or not do, without going tens of thousands of dollars into debt for college.
