Rep. Lujan Grisham Condemns Trump's Decision to Cancel Pay Increases for Federal Employees


Date: Aug. 31, 2018
Location: Albuquerque, NM

Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01) released the following statement after President Donald J. Trump sent a letter to Congressional Leaders calling for the cancellation of pay increases for federal employees:

"The President is shamefully deciding to cut the wages for over 33,000 New Mexico federal employees because of his and Congressional Republicans' financial mismanagement of the federal budget and is now balancing that budget on the backs of those hardworking employees and their families."

"After ballooning spending and the deficit with a $1.5-trillion tax cut bill for corporations and the well connected, the President now wants to add insult to injury by slashing the pay of federal employees and families. This is a dangerous signal that President Trump and Congressional Republicans will pay for policies and spending that overwhelmingly benefit corporations and privileged by cutting wages and programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and SNAP, which help everyday New Mexicans, seniors, and children succeed.

"Congress must step in to ensure that federal law enforcement officers, social workers, those who care for our veterans and public lands are not robbed of their hard-earned pay so that Mr. Trump can gift them to corporations and the well-connected."
