Letter to The Honorable Alex M. Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Young Seeks Protections for Those with Pre-Existing Conditions


Date: July 19, 2018

Dear Secretary Azar:

My constituents who have serious, acute, and chronic health issues need access to affordable health insurance to address their conditions. I write to urge you to include strong patient protections when crafting the final Short Term Limited Duration Insurance (STLDI) plans final rule.

As a result of President Trump's Executive Order 13813 issued in October 2017, the Secretaries of the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services were tasked with the improvement of short-term, limited duration insurance, along with other health plans. STLDI plans are exempt from many of the mandates and regulations of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which make them ideal for short term, stop-gap coverage. However, further expansion of STLDI plans may leave those with the most serious illnesses vulnerable to inadequate coverage and potentially devastating out-of-pocket costs. It is important to keep the duration of these plans short to ensure they do not become a substitute for regular plans. In addition, these plans are not required to cover preexisting conditions, putting those with long-term, chronic illnesses at greatest risk.

I am also concerned about the effect of expansion of these plans on state insurance markets. Premiums for such plans are often priced lower than other marketplace plans, which is misleading for healthier individuals. These individuals will find themselves with inadequate coverage should they experience a serious illness. Furthermore, introduction of these plans into the marketplace could ultimately result in higher premiums for comprehensive coverage in the individual market.

As you move forward with this rule, I ask you to include strong protections for individuals with serious illnesses who need access to comprehensive, affordable health insurance coverage to afford their care. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
