Lujan Grisham to Martinez: Put New Mexico Children & Educators First by Not Appealing Landmark Education Lawsuit Decision; MLG Commits to Halting Any Appeal if Initiated

Press Release

Date: July 24, 2018
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Issues: Education Legal

This morning, Michelle Lujan Grisham issued the following statement calling on Governor Susana Martinez to put New Mexico children and educators first by not appealing the ruling by the Honorable Sarah Singleton in the landmark combined public education lawsuit Martinez, et al. v. State of New Mexico et al. and Yazzie, et al. v. State of New Mexico et al.

"For too long, our education system has failed our children, educators, families and communities, drastically undermining our economy and our public safety while straining our overburdened social services. Today, I am calling on Governor Martinez to publicly commit to not appealing the landmark education lawsuit decision," said Michelle Lujan Grisham. "However, if Governor Martinez does not put our students and educators first, I will immediately halt any appeal initiated by her administration upon taking office."

Michelle Lujan Grisham has released a detailed, 11 point plan to create the New Direction for New Mexico Schools. The plan aligns with the recent ruling by recognizing we need to put more money in the classroom, responsibly increase Permanent School Fund distributions to provide a quality education from pre-k through high school, and increase pay in order to attract and retain more talented educators. Importantly, Michelle's education plan also recognizes that we must do more to support economically at-risk students, dual language learners, American Indian students, and students with special education needs. As Governor, Michelle will focus our efforts to help every New Mexico student reach their full potential in order to meet and exceed the constitutional duty for public education, and to grow our economy and create safer communities.

To learn more about Michelle Lujan Grisham's new direction for New Mexico, please visit
