The Repeal of Net Neutrality


"On Monday, June 11, the decision made by the Federal Communications Commission to rollback regulations that secured net neutrality took effect. Mississippi's Attorney General Jim Hood, along with 22 other states, joined a lawsuit to overturn the FCC decision.

The lawsuit "argues under the Administrative Procedure Act that the FCC cannot make "arbitrary and capricious' changes to existing policies such as net neutrality, while misinterpreting and disregarding critical record evidence on industry practices and harm to consumers and businesses."

As a state representative, I support our Attorney General in this pursuit. This is not a partisan issue. This is an issue of protecting every day citizens and small business owners from being taken advantage of by ISP giants. The internet has become an integral part of our society and is extremely useful for small businesses, students, teachers, and entrepreneurs alike. Any congressional candidate who truly claims to represent the needs of their district should support the efforts to stop the erroneous decision made by the FCC.
