
Floor Speech

Date: June 28, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I rise today in opposition to amendment No. 3074.

Agriculture is the economic engine of Nebraska, and the beef industry is the largest segment of Nebraska agriculture.

In fact, in Nebraska, cattle outnumber people by more than three to one.

The industry plays a critical role in my State's economic viability with nearly $7.2 billion in annual cash receipts.

Nebraska is also the No. 1 cattle-on-feed State, illustrating our commitment to provide American families and dinner tables around the world with affordable, safe, high-quality Nebraska beef.

As a Nebraska cattle rancher, I understand the purpose of the checkoff program and its direct impact on producers' ability to market their products.

It is an investment into the future of my State's No. 1 industry.

Funds collected from producers are used for research and promotion programs designed by producers to benefit the entire industry.

Producer control has been a defining feature of the beef checkoff since its inception and is what drives its success.

Since 1985, producers have proven perfectly capable of deciding how to spend their money and should be allowed to continue to do so.

This amendment would harm agricultural producers and the rural communities they support.

I strongly urge my colleagues to reject this amendment.

Thank you.

