Reinstating and Extending Deadline for Construction of Hydroelectric Project Involving Gibson Dam

Floor Speech

Date: July 16, 2018
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, the Bureau of Reclamation built the original Gibson Dam on the Sun River between 1926 and 1929. The dam has served to capture spring snowmelt for irrigation and to prevent flooding in the region. This bill would extend the FERC license to build a 15-megawatt turbine at the base of the existing Gibson Dam.

The ability to produce clean energy off Gibson Dam will benefit the county and the State by creating a new source of revenue. Furthermore, the construction of the powerhouse will bring jobs to Montana. Finally, the turbine will be built in such a way that helps the environment and enhances fish and wildlife opportunities. By granting an extension of this permit, we are giving a community in Montana a chance to create jobs and a benefit to the environment.

Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of the bill.

