Rep. Lujan Grisham Signs Discharge Petition to Force Vote to Restore Vital Net Neutrality Protections


Date: May 18, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

Representative Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01) signed a discharge petition to force a vote to restore net neutrality protections, after Speaker Ryan and House Republicans refused for six months to even debate restoring the net neutrality rules that the Trump Administration dismantled in December:

"I am proud to stand in solidarity with New Mexicans and to take real action to ensure that we maintain an open, free, and fair Internet that innovators, small businesses, and our economy depends upon.

"I urge all of my Republican colleagues to join me to protect net neutrality and ensure that New Mexicans can compete on a level playing field, grow their businesses, create jobs, boost wages, and have the tools they need to succeed."

"I will continue to fight for a free and open Internet along with commonsense investments to bring broadband to every neighborhood, school and farm in New Mexico, which would help entrepreneurs and consumers, and boost innovation and economic growth."

Last year, the FCC voted along party lines to approve Chairman Ajit Pai's proposal that guts the 2015 Open Internet Order, which the D.C. Circuit Court upheld in 2016. The Open Internet Order prohibited internet service providers from blocking, slowing down, or discriminating against content online. Repealing these net neutrality rules could lead to higher prices for consumers, slower internet traffic, and even blocked websites. A recent poll showed that 83 percent of Americans do not approve of the FCC's action to repeal net neutrality rules.

Under the Congressional Review Act, members of the House and Senate can offer a joint resolution of disapproval on any regulation recently issued by a federal agency. Earlier this year, Congressman Doyle introduced legislation (H.J.Res. 129) in the House to overrule the FCC's action, and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) introduced a counterpart bill in the Senate (S.J.Res. 52). The Senate bill was approved yesterday by a vote of 52 to 47. Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham signed Congressman Doyle's discharge petition that would bring the legislation to save Net Neutrality up for a vote in the House. If a majority of the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives sign that discharge petition, House rules (specifically Rule XV, clause 2) mandate that it be voted on by the full House.
