Inslee and State Legislators Condemn Trump Attacks on Women's Health Care

Press Release

Date: May 18, 2018
Issues: Family

"President Trump's plan to overhaul the Title X program is an outright assault on the health and autonomy of women across our country and goes against the will of the people who overwhelmingly support Title X. This program has helped us achieve historically low rates of unintended pregnancies and abortions. It is shameful enough that this Administration will stop at nothing to deny women access to the life-saving care provided by Planned Parenthood, a trusted medical provider to tens of thousands of Washingtonians. But this proposal goes well beyond that, causing major disruption to our health care system and directly interfering in the doctor-patient relationship. President Trump is forcing doctors, nurses, family planning clinics, community health centers, and hospitals to deny referrals for treatment and fully legal medical services to patients. Women should never have to question whether they are receiving comprehensive, medically accurate information about their care.

"Washington has been, and will continue to be, a state that stands with women and their right to safe and legal abortion and reproductive care. Attorney General Bob Ferguson is exploring our legal options, and if this Administration insists on weaponizing the Title X program, I will work our legislative leaders to make sure that no matter what happens in D.C., every woman in Washington state has access to all the family planning and health care services she needs."

Other state elected officials joined Inslee in condemning the president's actions.

"This latest move by the Trump Administration is a thinly veiled attack on Planned Parenthood. The real effect will be hurting thousands of Washington women who rely on this family planning funding for a variety of health care services. I will be carefully reviewing this proposal with my legal team and evaluating our next steps." Attorney General Bob Ferguson said.

"As we see constant attacks on women and their access to reproductive healthcare coming from the other Washington, we are committed to do all that we can here in Washington state to ensure that women in this state will continue to have full access to healthcare options. We know that women need to be able to make the right choice at the right time for themselves and their families," Rep. June Robinson said.

"I stand with the majority of Washingtonians who have always supported access to reproductive healthcare. The Washington legislative democratic leadership have and will continue to advance policy to support women -- including the passage earlier this year of the Reproductive Parity Act that ensures everyone in Washington has insurance coverage for reproductive care, ensuring that women, rather than their employer, their insurer, or their government, get the final say in their family planning decisions," Sen. Patty Kuderer said.
