D.C. Residents Are American Citizens Who Have Overpaid for Their Citizenship

Floor Speech

Date: April 16, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes


Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, marking the signing of President Lincoln's proclamation freeing slaves in the Nation's Capital, is a local holiday in the District of Columbia. Many D.C. residents worked anyway.

Activist groups in the District of Columbia, including DC Vote, brought residents here, who got more Members to sign on to our D.C. statehood bill to end taxation without representation for D.C. residents, who are number one per capita in taxes paid to support the Federal Government, but with no voting Representatives on this House floor and no Senators at all.

Even more shameful, as this poster shows, D.C.'s war casualties have often outnumbered those of the States, more than 10 States during the Vietnam war, for example.

D.C. residents are American citizens who have overpaid for their citizenship. It is time for Congress to pay back.

