Rep. Marshall: "to Achieve a Safer America, We Must Come Together and Take Common-sense Action."

Press Release

Date: Feb. 23, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Roger Marshall, M.D. seconds the President's notion that we should strengthen our nation's background checks to own a firearm and emphasize mental health in these evaluations. Rep. Marshall wants to make sure that guns are in the hands of mentally stable, law-abiding individuals that have no intent to harm others.

"We must put politics aside when it comes to the safety of our schools and our children. To achieve a safer America, we must come together and take common-sense action," Rep. Marshall said. "After reflecting on the tragedy last week, I can't help but think what if? What if teachers, coaches, or authorized personnel had the opportunity to carry their concealed weapon on school grounds, how would that have changed the outcome in Parkland, Florida? I stand with the president on this and his call to strengthen our background check process."

"This approach is far from an attack our second amendment rights, but reforms tailored towards strengthening background checks by acknowledging warning signs and mental stability is just common sense."
