Gianforte Urges Senate Democrats to Avoid Government Shutdown

Press Release

Date: Jan. 19, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Montana Congressman Greg Gianforte issued the following statement:

"Last night, I voted to keep the government open and to reauthorize the Children's Health Insurance Program, which 24,000 Montana kids depend on. In the meantime, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer threatens to shut down the government.

"What Senator Schumer and Senate Democrats are doing is governmental malpractice. A shutdown would stop funding for programs for our troops and veterans, jeopardize the health care of Montana children, and allow garbage to pile up in our national parks.

"And for what? An immigration issue that can be addressed in March. Government funding runs out today. I hope Senator Schumer and Senate Democrats will reconsider their misguided priorities.

"I didn't come to Washington to shut down the government, and I hope Senate Democrats reach the same resolution. I urge Senate Democrats to keep the government open, ensure our troops have what they need to get their job done, and protect the health insurance of 24,000 Montana children."
