Walz Statement on H.R. 38


By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: Dec. 6, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 38:

"As a 24-year veteran of the Army National Guard, I firmly believe in protecting the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including an individual's right to bear arms. I also understand the importance of preserving America's unique hunting and recreational shooting heritage, as I am an avid sportsman myself.

"However, by excluding important protections such as an audit of state guns laws and their impacts on public safety, H.R. 38 fails to ensure our federal laws reflect the needs of the states. This bill would upend each state's carefully considered judgements about public safety and override determinations made about the specific needs of any given state and its communities. It is for this reason that I cannot support this legislation.

"Moreover, I am deeply disappointed that House Republicans have chosen to lump H.R.38 with the Fix NICS Act, a bipartisan bill that aims to ensure domestic violence records are properly and swiftly reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS. I fully support the provisions of the Fix NICS Act and I am disappointed my Republican colleagues are playing politics with public safety.

"Commonsense gun safety and responsible gun ownership can coexist. I will continue to be an advocate for sensible laws that protect our safety while also supporting the Second Amendment rights law-abiding gun owners hold dear."
