Noem Earns Seat on Tax Reform Conference Committee

Press Release

Date: Dec. 4, 2017
Issues: Taxes

Rep. Kristi Noem was today named to the Tax Reform Conference Committee, a small group of lawmakers who have been tasked with completing tax reform negotiations.

"There's almost no federal policy that has a bigger impact on families' day-to-day lives than the tax code," said Noem. "In tax reform, we're talking about giving folks a break at those critical life milestones, such as when they grow their family, buy a home, start a business, or pass that business down to their children. We're also talking about improving things on a broader scale so wages rise and more jobs open up in our hometowns. While there are differences between the two versions, I'm optimistic we're coming at this with a united front, striving for the same vision of stronger families and a stronger future for all Americans."

Noem's entry into public service came after her family was hit by the Death Tax following a farm accident that took her dad's life. Noem went on to serve in the South Dakota State Legislature where she was appointed to the House Taxation Committee. Following her election to the U.S. House, Noem served on a series of committees, including the House Agriculture Committee where she successfully negotiated the 2014 Farm Bill as a member of that Conference Committee. In 2015, Noem earned a seat on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, the first South Dakotan in history to do so.

Today, Noem is a leading voice in support of the Death Tax repeal. Earlier this year, conservative, anti-tax leader Grover Norquist explained Noem's "hard work and persistence has made our progress to date possible and is our greatest asset in the serious fight to kill the Death Tax once and for all." The House's tax reform proposal includes a full and permanent repeal of the Death Tax, which is based on Noem's legislation.

Additionally, Noem, a mother to three, has become the leading advocate for a pro-family tax policy, working closely with the administration to dramatically increase the Child Tax Credit and related family provisions. She also fought to save the Child Care Credit, an important provision to a state like South Dakota in which more than 80 percent of moms work.

Noem has also championed the exclusion of the Indian Health Service's Student Loan Repayment program from tax as well as pro-agriculture provisions relating to interest deductibility and expensing.
