Noem-Backed Second Amendment Protections Pass House


Date: Dec. 6, 2017

Rep. Kristi Noem today helped lead the House in passing H.R.38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. If this legislation, which she cosponsored, is signed into law, those permitted to carry a concealed handgun will be able to bring it to other states that permit concealed carry.

"For most of American history, firearms were integral to the way we lived," said Noem. "People understood how to use them and taught their children how to as well. In South Dakota, that way of life still exists. I'm really proud of that, and I will always fight to protect it. While we have some reciprocity agreements on the books in South Dakota, this legislation would extend the policy nationwide to better protect the right to bear arms. I love the way we live in South Dakota. We celebrate the liberties and freedoms we're entitled to under the Second Amendment, and our Constitution demands they not be infringed upon."
