Walz Releases Statement on Las Vegas, Calls for Congressional Action


By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: Oct. 2, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Today, Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement on the tragic shooting in Las Vegas:

The events that unfolded last night in Las Vegas are tragic and heartbreaking. And they have become all too common in our country today. We have many questions and few answers, but I refuse to believe nothing can be done to reduce the likelihood of these attacks.

As a lifelong sportsman, I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. At the same time, there are common-sense things we can do in Congress to prevent these tragedies from taking innocent lives and we must confront the truth that our current laws are not working. To that end, I am calling on Speaker Ryan and my colleagues in Congress to do the following:

Establish a select committee on gun violence prevention.
Increase access to mental health care nationwide.
Lift the ban on Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) research into the gun violence as a public health crisis.
Pass universal background check legislation.
Oppose current conceal & carry legislation before Congress.
Oppose current legislation to reduce restrictions on gun silencers.
