Letter to the Hon. Elizabeth DeVos, US Department of Education - Indiana Delegation Write to Secretary DeVos Regarding Indiana Graduation Rate


The Honorable Elizabeth DeVos
United States Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C 20202

Dear Secretary DeVos,

The Indiana congressional delegation asks the U.S. Department of Education to use its administrative discretion to impose a temporary moratorium on the use and reporting of the new federal high school graduation rate definition guided by language in the Every Student Succeeds Act. A temporary delay would provide Indiana and similarly situated state governments the necessary time to properly adjust diploma policies to align with the educational accountability the law seeks. The State of Indiana cannot act to make the proper policy adjustments without authorization by the Indiana General Assembly, which meets next in 2018. Implementing a change in State diploma policy will also require the State to inform local school districts on the new policy, and assist in statewide implementation.

Implementing the definition immediately could cause unintended and unnecessary impacts on educational outcomes and economic development of Indiana based on a misconception that high school student completion in the state suddenly and inexplicably plummeted. Based on 2016 data, the immediate change in definition would reduce Indiana's reported graduation rate from approximately 89 percent to 76 percent.

Indiana students currently choose to move to a General Diploma from a Core 40 Diploma at the end of the sophomore year. Allowing for current high school juniors and seniors to complete their General Diploma track, while providing the State the necessary time to phase out the General Diploma option would prevent such an unnecessary and potentially harmful statistical event.

The State of Indiana does not oppose the new definition, only its immediate implementation. We ask for the Administration to work in cooperation with Indiana and other affected states to provide the educational accountability sought by the Every Student Succeeds Act without unduly penalizing states working in good faith to improve the public education for all our current and future students. We look forward to working with the Department of Education on a solution that achieves these shared objectives.


Senator Joe Donnelly
Senator Todd Young
Congressman Jim Banks
Congressman Pete Visclosky
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
Congressman Todd Rokita
Congresswoman Susan Brooks
Congressman Luke Messer
Congressman André Carson
Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D.
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth
