Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long Presents Delaware's Plan as a National Model to Fight Addiction at National Conference in Nashville

Press Release

Date: Aug. 14, 2017
Location: Nashville, TN

Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long joined other Lieutenant Governor's from around the country at the National Lieutenant Governor's Association Conference in Nashville to present Delaware's plan to fight the addiction epidemic, which has become one of the largest public health crises' in our Delaware's history.

"State's across the country are dealing with many of the same issues as Delaware, and I think it is important that we illustrate what has worked in Delaware and what hasn't" said Lt. Governor Hall-Long. It is also important that we highlight what Governor Carney and I plan to do in the short-term and the long-term to save lives, and expand access to treatment."

Hall-Long's presentation comes on the heels of the newly passed Behavioral Health Consortium and Addiction Action Committee legislation led by Lt. Governor Hall-Long, Senator Bryan Townsend, and Representative David Bentz. The legislation will be signed into law by Governor Carney on August 16th.

The consortium, chaired by Lt. Governor Hall-Long, will be comprised of community advocates, law enforcement, state leaders, and healthcare professionals from across Delaware to develop an integrated plan and blueprint for action for the prevention, treatment, and recovery for mental health, substance use and co-occurring disorders in Delaware. The creation of the consortium and coordinated plan is a recommendation of Governor Carney's Action Plan For Delaware.

"16 years ago, we formed the Delaware Cancer Consortium, which has significantly reduced the cancer rates and deaths since that time and become a model for other states." Said Lt. Governor Hall-Long. "With the formation of the Behavioral Health Consortium, I believe we can do the same to reduce overdose deaths, and expand access to treatment for those with mental illness." I believe Delaware can once again be a national model for other states to follow."
