Walz Stands Up for Troops in Work on & Support for National Defense Authorization

Press Release

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: July 14, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

Following his participation in the mark-up of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on the House Armed Services Committee, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) voted in favor of the FY 2018 NDAA on the House Floor today.

"Every year, the National Defense Authorization is the way we express our nation's values on how our nation's military should move forward," said Rep. Walz. "I was proud to participate in the NDAA process this year to fight for fairness in benefits for Minnesota National Guard soldiers, to advocate that climate change be taken seriously as a national security threat, and to honor the service and sacrifice of those who have served. I am pleased a number of the measures I championed were included in the final version passed by the House today. I hope as we continue to craft national defense policy, we will embrace the idea that our soldiers are our most important resource."

Walz provisions included in the House passed FY 2018 NDAA:

National Guard Troops

Walz Amendment ensures National Guard troops get equal benefits for equal services when they are called up in the same way as active duty troops.
Walz, working with Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, was able to get Tricare benefits included in the legislation, but will need to continue fighting for additional benefits.
This amendment was inspired by Mankato Red Bull troops who were deployed to Egypt for the past year under the controversial §12304b mobilization authority.

Purple Heart Recognition

Walz Amendment honors the service and sacrifice of those who have earned a Purple Heart and encourages Americans to ensure our nation never forgets their courage.
National Guard Flyovers

Walz Amendment allows states and territories to approve their own jet and helicopter flyovers.

Walz Amendment honors U.S. Special Operations Command in recognition for all they do on behalf of our nation as the tip of the spear in pursuit of U.S. national interests.
Collaboration to Defeat Terrorism & Improve Military Readiness

Recognizing that military strength is only one piece of the puzzle, Walz Amendment ensures the Department of Defense coordinates closely with the State Department, USAID, and non-government 501(c)(3) organizations in the battle to combat terrorism around the globe.
Walz strongly supported and championed an amendment to approve a congressional charter for Spirit of America that allows this organization to assist the Department of Defense in meeting requirements for successful completion of missions abroad.
Walz Amendment directs the Defense Intelligence Agency to submit to the Secretary of Defense and Congress a detailed report on the capabilities and limitations of Russian and Chinese national training centers and logistical support functions, which enables the capability of our military to defend against possible aggression from peer competitors.
Walz also strongly supported an amendment making clear that climate security is a critical national security issue, strongly opposed efforts to restrict transgender Americans from serving in the military, and successfully helped defeat a discriminatory amendment that would have barred access to medically necessary care for transgender troops.
