Scientific Research Involving Human Subjects Should Have Full Transparency, Grassley Says

Press Release

Date: Aug. 7, 2017
Issues: Science

Two recent inspector general reports have called for more transparency of scientific research involving human subjects. The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General found that the Office for Human Research Protections needs to improve transparency with public availability of its compliance activities. The Environmental Protection Agency Office of Inspector General, responding to a request from Sen. Chuck Grassley, concluded that the EPA could provide greater transparency by providing basic information about the research it conducts on its own website. Also, the inspector general concluded that the EPA could develop guidance documents for procedures meant to evaluate whether participation is in the subject's best interest. Grassley made the following comment on these developments.

"Research involving human participants is important to the development of new treatments and even ways to prevent disease. However, the protection of those who volunteer for this research has to be front and center. Transparency is key to making sure individuals are informed and protected and that recruiters and researchers follow all procedures to the letter."
