DeSantis to DOJ: Freeze Awan Funds

Press Release

Date: Aug. 3, 2017
Location: Palma Coast, FL

Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) today sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeking clarification on the pending investigation into the financial crimes of Imran Awan. The letter can be found here.

"The allegations levied against Imran Awan are alarming and could have serious national security ramifications. The Department of Justice must work to immediately mitigate the damage done by Awan and take whatever measures are necessary, including freezing illicit funds, in order to fully investigate this incident.

"Given the large amount of funds that were wired to Pakistan, DeSantis is seeking immediate answers to the following questions:

Has the Department of Justice utilized the United States Department of Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to investigate the financial records of Awan and Hina Alvi to discover evidence of other potential crimes?
Have any U.S. financial institutions filed reports of suspicious activity on any bank account held by Awan or his wife?
Is the Department of Justice investigating whether any funds generated from the sale of stolen property of the House of Representatives were included as part of the wire transfer to Faisalabad, Pakistan?
Will the Department seek a court order freezing the proceeds of any real estate transaction or from the sale of stolen technological equipment?
