Governor Carney Vetoes 5-Mile Radius Legislation that Limits Options for Wilmington Students


Date: July 20, 2017
Location: Wilmington, DE
Issues: K-12 Education

Governor John Carney on Thursday vetoed House Substitute 1 for House Bill 85, legislation that would remove the five-mile radius as an enrollment preference for Delaware charter schools, while excluding a number of students in the City of Wilmington. The following is a portion of Governor Carney's statement to the Delaware House of Representatives:

"Educating our children is both a moral and an economic imperative, and the achievement gap in the State of Delaware is a problem that cannot be ignored. At-risk students across our state, but especially in the City of Wilmington, are not getting the education that they deserve. I believe that the sponsors of HS 1 for HB 85 wanted to expand options for students and increase diversity at Delaware charter schools by eliminating the five-mile radius as an enrollment preference. These are goals that I share.

Despite those efforts, this legislation unfairly excludes some of our most vulnerable students. It does not simply remove the five-mile radius preference. The legislation creates a new standard that uniquely limits options for at-risk students in the Christina School District portion of the City of Wilmington -- many of the kids who need our help the most -- and that is something I cannot support."
