Governor Carney's Statement on General Assembly's Failure to Pass a Budget

Press Release

Date: July 1, 2017
Location: Dover, DE

Governor John Carney early Saturday morning issued the following statement on the General Assembly's failure to reach a budget agreement:

"I'm deeply disappointed that the General Assembly has failed to reach an agreement to pass a balanced budget, and a responsible long-term financial plan. The people of Delaware expect us to responsibly do their business, and that includes working together to enact a responsible financial plan for the state. As I've been saying for months, we need a balanced, long-term plan that relies on spending reductions and new revenue to solve our financial challenges in a sustainable way. The fact is we met Republican leaders more than halfway. We have pledged to support real spending reductions, and fiscal reforms that would place controls on future spending. Unfortunately, Republicans have been unwilling to compromise on their ideological demands, and have not agreed to support a sustainable plan to raise new revenue. But our work will continue, and it's time for members of the General Assembly to get serious about passing a long-term budget."

Lawmakers early Saturday approved and Governor Carney signed Senate Bill 137, a short-term appropriation measure that will fund state government at Fiscal Year 2017 levels for 72 hours.

Governor Carney sent a memorandum to General Assembly Leadership before the vote, outlining details of the short-term appropriation measure and the importance of continuing state government operations, including paying state employees.

The Governor also signed an extraordinary session proclamation to call the General Assembly back to session at 1:00 PM on Sunday, July 2. The Governor intends to call the General Assembly into session each day until a Fiscal Year 2018 budget is enacted into law.
