Gianforte Introduces First Bill; Co-Sponsors Drain the Swamp Bills

Press Release

Date: June 21, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Greg Gianforte introduced his first bill today and co-sponsored several pieces of legislation to drain the swamp and bring accountability to Washington.

The bills will balance the budget, enact term limits, and ban members of Congress from becoming lobbyists.

Gianforte introduced the Balanced Budget Accountability Act, which requires Congress to pass a balanced budget or members won't receive a paycheck. Under this bill, Congress would have to balance the budget in 10 years.

Gianforte also co-sponsored several pieces of legislation to drain the swamp:

H.J. Res. 2 -- Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution

· The joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting spending from exceeding revenue in any given year unless authorized by three-fifths of the members of each chamber.

H.J. Res. 6 -- Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution to Limit the Number of Terms a Member of Congress May Serve

· The joint resolution proposes a constitutional amendment limiting the number of terms Representatives can serve to three terms and Senators to two terms.

H.R. 796 -- Drain the Swamp Act

· The bill proposes a 5-year ban on members of Congress and Executive-level staff from lobbying current Members of Congress and their staff.

"I promised Montanans that I would go to Washington to drain the swamp. We need to bring accountability to Washington and these bills fulfill that promise," stated Gianforte. "Washington has forgotten that the power rests with the people -- not with the special interests. I will never forget that I serve the people of Montana and will always be on Montana's side."
