Gianforte Stands Up for Veterans, Protects Their Hard-Earned Benefits

Press Release

Date: July 28, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Montana Congressman Greg Gianforte released the following statement following passage of several bills this week to help America's veterans:

"Our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much in the defense of our nation and our way of life. Too often, they have been left behind by a federal system that neglects their most fundamental needs," Gianforte said. "It is only right that we stand up to ensure our veterans receive the benefits they have earned and deserve for their selfless service."

The U.S. House of Representative passed a package of bills this week that will benefit America's veterans. One bill extends funding for the Veterans Choice Program, which was passed after the failures of the VA to tend to the medical needs of our veterans. By extending funding for the Veterans Choice program, veterans are ensured that they can seek needed care from health care providers outside the VA system.

Another bill, the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, will improve and modernize the GI Bill. With greater access to education and jobs training, service members will be able to transition more easily from active duty to civilian life. Under the bill, new service members will be able to use GI benefits to expand their knowledge and skills throughout their lifetime, not just for 15 years as under current law.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Bonus Transparency Act will bring needed accountability to the VA. If senior administrators at the VA receive a bonus, the VA is required to inform the public. With VA mismanagement, the public should know that taxpayer resources are being used to help our veterans, not increase the pay for poorly-performing bureaucrats.

Other bills passed will enhance the VA's ability to recruit and retain the best health care providers for our veterans and will ease the burden that relocation places on military spouses and families
