Today We Remember Those Who Sacrificed Everything for this Nation


Date: May 29, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

On this Memorial Day, Army Veteran and 5th District Congressman Tom Garrett recognized our Veterans by issuing the following statement:

"As someone who served in the Armed Forces as an Army Artillery officer, Memorial Day carries special meaning to me as a constant reminder of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Their sacrifices, in keeping our country safe, is something that we should never forget. The greatest honor I ever had personally was at the age of 25 when I commanded 55 soldiers on foreign soil while taking every measure possible to ensure that they would return home safely.

"There are some that think Memorial Day is a holiday. The definition of holiday is a day of festivity. For those who have lost spouses, family members and friends who died while serving in our Armed Forces, a festivity is the furthest thing from the truth. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and security of this great nation. It is our duty to preserve the memory of America and honor those who served it with such distinction. No nation, in human history, has done so much to liberate and defend so many across the planet.

"God bless all who served our United States of America."
