Rep. Ellison Statement on Trump Administration's Attack on Net Neutrality


Today, the FCC voted to begin rolling back Title II protections for net neutrality -- a boon for multi-billion-dollar internet service corporations, and a huge step back for working Americans. I remain a strong supporter of a free and open internet, and deeply disturbed that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is working on behalf of telecom companies and at the expense of everyone else.

Title II is the legal foundation that allows net neutrality to exist. Under Title II, the Internet has remained open for competition, innovation and creativity. Contrary to what Chairman Pai and the telecommunications industry have claimed, broadband investment has continued apace and Internet service provider revenues have continued to grow since the Commission issued its landmark decision in 2015. Allowing Internet service providers to create fast lanes would give an unfair advantage to people with money, and burden the rest of us with a slower Internet. It would also create barriers for the web entrepreneurs and innovators who have great ideas, but wouldn't be able to compete on a pay-to-play Internet.

Most importantly, strong Net Neutrality rules have worked to keep the Internet free from discrimination against users, regardless of their race or economic status. You simply cannot claim to support the open Internet and Net Neutrality rules while abandoning and attacking the legal framework that makes those rules possible.

In April, I led a letter signed by 32 of my colleagues in the CPC urging Chairman Pai not to roll back the progress made under the Obama administration to protect net neutrality. My colleagues and I will continue to fight for net neutrality as the rulemaking process unfolds over the next several months.
