Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Regarding Harmful Regulations


We write to express our continued and serious concerns regarding the Obama Administration's Clean Power Plan (CPP), Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS), and Ozone Standard of 70 parts per billion(ppb) Rules.

On August 3, 2015 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its Clean Power Plan rule. The original intent of the Clean Air Act was for individual states to regulate their own electricity systems. This new regulation is tantamount to a federal government power grab that would impose onerous carbon emissions standards at and outside the fence line of existing power plants. The CPP would require approximately a 30% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2030; a goal that will have a negligible impact on global temperatures. These costs will ultimately be borne by consumers, many of whom could see double-digit percentage increases in their monthly electric bill.

Additionally, on August 28, 2015 the EPA published its final rule revising the definition of navigable waters and asserting jurisdiction over nearly all areas with water features, including man-made drainage ditches and small streams. The intent of WOTUS was to clarify what waters are controlled by federal regulations; however the EPA has only made it harder for businesses to comply with the law which will negatively impact job growth in farming, building trades, and beyond.

Furthermore, on October 1, 2015 the EPA established a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ground-level ozone that was set at 70ppb. This regulation does not adequately account for background ozone, which is naturally occurring ozone or ozone originating outside of the control of a specific state. These new standards represent a threshold that is simply too high for many jurisdictions across the country and will damage the economy by requiring even further reductions in emissions.

During the promulgation and finalization of these rules, many of our constituents have expressed their concerns to us how their livelihood in our states will be negatively impacted.

Unfortunately, the 60 day period for the Congressional Review Act (CRA) has expired and Congress will not be able to make use of the CRA to stop or revise these rules. As such, we urge you to use any and all tools to limit the harm of these costly and burdensome rules.

We appreciate your consideration of this important matter and look forward to your response.

