Issue Position: Strengthening Cities and Towns

Issue Position

Rhode Island's 39 cities and towns are the heart of our state. Without strong and vibrant municipalities, Rhode Island cannot thrive.

As a former mayor, Lt. Governor McKee is committed to advancing the interests of Rhode Island's cities and towns and ensuring they have a voice at the State House.

Under an Executive Order signed by Gov. Gina M. Raimondo in February 2015, he is leading an effort to help municipalities share or consolidate services and promote efficiencies in government.

Lt. Governor McKee is leading efforts to create Regional Emergency Communication Districts (RECD) in Rhode Island to allow municipalities to partner together to provide public safety communications efficiently and cost effectively to communities and taxpayers.

He is working to modernize the state's property revaluation system so it best serves the state of Rhode Island, our cities and towns, and our taxpayers.
