Issue Position: Girls State

Issue Position

Alabama Girls State is one of the most respected and coveted experiential learning programs presented in the United States. Girls State is a week-long, fun-filled, hands-on learning opportunity for the best and brightest young women in the State of Alabama. The program is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary.

The program epitomizes the American Legion Auxiliary's mission to honor those who have brought us our freedom through our enduring commitment to develop young women as future leaders grounded in patriotism and Americanism. The young women become knowledgeable of the democratic process and how our republic form of government works at the state and national levels. The program is an immersion learning experience of learning, experience, memories, and friendships last a lifetime.

In 1942, Alabama Girls State conducted its first program held at Camp Grandview Park with less than 70 in attendance. Over the years, Alabama Girls State has convened on the campuses of Huntingdon College and Troy University. The American Legion Auxiliary Alabama Girls State program is now held on the campus of The University of Alabama with approximately 350 delegates participating each year.

Lieutenant Governor Kay Ivey was fortunate to attend Alabama Girls State as a rising High School Senior and the first Alabama Girls State Alumnus to be elected to a statewide constitutional office in Alabama.

The 75th Session of American Legion Auxiliary Alabama Girls State will be held on the campus of The University of Alabama June 4-9, 2017.
