Issue Position: The Economy

Issue Position

"The stability and security of every Delaware family depends on access to quality, good-paying jobs."

Delaware's economy remains in a period of significant transition. In the past decade, Delaware has lost industrial sites that provided good-paying jobs for years -- the General Motors plant in Newport, the Claymont Steel Mill, the Nylon plant in Seaford, the Chrysler factory in Newark. Governor Carney believes Delaware must embrace the transition to an innovation economy, and that government must adjust to support entrepreneurs and foster innovation across Delaware.

Governor Carney will:

-Restructure the Delaware Economic Development Office to support small businesses and entrepreneurs
-Prepare Delaware's workforce for 21st-century jobs that require technical skills
-Revitalize abandoned industrial sites to put Delawareans back to work
-Develop stronger partnerships between state government and the private sector
-Improve broadband access across Delaware
