Smith Praises Passage of Midnight Rules Relief Act

Press Release

Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) released the following statement today after voting in favor of H.R. 5982, the Midnight Rules Relief Act. This legislation amends the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to allow Congress to pass CRA resolutions to roll back multiple "midnight rules" issued at the end of a presidential term.

"Too often, outgoing presidential administrations will hastily finalize costly, agenda-driven regulations during their final weeks in office," Smith said. "These rules have no time to be analyzed and can be very difficult to get rid of, even under a new administration. Today's bill not only discourages midnight rulemaking but also provides Congress an important tool to quickly overturn these regulations and return the power to create laws to the legislative branch."

Since 2014, Smith has led his Regulation Rewind initiative to fight back against government overreach and red tape. Earlier this year, Smith led efforts in the House to use a CRA resolution to block implementation of the Obama administration's Waters of the U.S. rule (WOTUS). More information is available at
