Gianforte Addresses Montana Chamber of Commerce

Press Release

Date: Oct. 27, 2016
Location: Billings, MT

October 27, 2016, Bozeman businessman and tech entrepreneur Greg Gianforte delivered the Keynote Address at the Montana Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting on Thursday in Billings.

As someone who created hundreds of high wage jobs in Montana , Gianforte spoke of the need for new leadership in Helena to build a high-wage economy. He acknowledged major economic and fiscal headwinds faced by the state, but also spoke of his optimism and his belief in the great potential of Montana.

GIANFORTE: "When I look across Montana, I see potential. We have, hardworking, self-reliant people, abundant natural resources, a growing tech sector, and unrivaled natural beauty. There is no reason why our kids should have to leave the state to find job opportunities. What we need in this state is leadership that knows how to jobs are created and what businesses need to succeed. I firmly believe that when we combine good leadership with hardworking Montanans, the sky is the limit."

The Montana Chamber of Commerce endorsed Gianforte back in June, noting "the statewide organization believes Gianforte will be a great governor who will propel Montana's economy forward."
