Economics of Oregon, District 4

Press Release

In the past three election contests vs. Peter DeFazio, I have won all of the rural counties of District 4, Oregon every time. These Oregon counties are suffering the bad economic effects of poor congressional representation.

DeFazio has won in the cities of Eugene and Corvallis. These cities are thriving because they are homes to two great universities, U of O and OSU. These universities bring very large amounts of wealth into these communities. I hope they continue to thrive.

Unfortunately, Mr. DeFazio and his big spending friends have bought their way back into office every two years with our tax money, with borrowed money, and with printed money -- to the extent that our national economy hangs by a thread from collapse. Eugene and Corvallis may soon join the rest of District 4 in an economic depression of historic proportions as a result of economic irresponsibility in Congress.

The politicians who have caused this calamity are not going to fix it. We need new, fiscally responsible representation in Washington as soon as possible.
