Issue Position: Fighting For WNY Families

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Sean's strong commitment to working families helps to guide his work in Albany and in Western New York. Here's what Sean has been doing and his plans for the future.

Tax Relief
Sean has fought for property tax relief for hard-working homeowners in Western New York and all across our state. Sean also voted to lower tax rates for middle class New Yorkers to the lowest rates in over 50 years.

Child Care and Support
Sean's commitment to working families also extends to strengthening New York's child care system. It has become nearly impossible for working families to find affordable and reliable child care. That's why Sean fought to boost funding for child care and create thousands of additional subsidized child care slots.

Paid Family Leave
Sean knows that hard working families need Paid Family Leave, and that's why he fought for it and helped to make it a reality in New York State. New Yorkers can now receive 12 weeks of paid family leave, and won't have to sacrifice their financial security to care for a new child or a sick loved one.

The Heroin and Opioid Epidemic
Sean knows that many families are impacted by the heroin and opioid epidemic that is affecting communities throughout New York State. Sean led the effort to create the I-STOP system to prevent doctor shopping for prescription opioids. Today in the Assembly, Sean is fighting for millions in funding to support the expansion of heroin and opiate abuse treatment and support programs. Sean has also introduced legislation to boost education for doctors who prescribe opioids, and to fund safe disposal programs for unused prescription drugs.
