New Hampshire Law Enforcement Leaders Stand with Chris Sununu

Press Release

Date: Aug. 25, 2016
Location: Exeter, NH

This morning, eighteen respected members of New Hampshire's law enforcement community joined together in support of Chris Sununu for Governor. The coalition highlights Sununu's broad support from New Hampshire's public safety officials.

"As New Hampshire faces a debilitating drug crisis, it has never been clearer the strong support we need from a governor who will work to expedite the critical resources that enable us to quickly and safely combat crime and reduce the scourge of drugs," said Chief Peter Morency. "As governor, Chris Sununu will make support for law enforcement one of his top priorities. For that, I am proud to stand with him in this campaign."

Steve Hodges added, "Chris Sununu understands what it means to have law enforcement's back. He will always stand up and defend New Hampshire's officers, who risk their lives to keep our communities safe. Though I previously supported a different candidate early-on in this race, it's become clear to me that Chris Sununu will be a governor who law enforcement can depend on."

Chris Sununu said of the announcement, "In New Hampshire, we are proud to have one of the most effective and professional law enforcement communities in the country. Our officers work tirelessly to keep our families safe and to address some our state's most complex and dangerous issues. Earning the support of so many great public safety officials in this campaign is especially gratifying to me, as support for law enforcement has never been more vital."
