Norton to Attend Ceremony Announcing the Cathy Hughes School of Communications at Howard University, Sunday


Date: Oct. 22, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) will attend a ceremony naming the Howard University School of Communications as the "Cathy Hughes School of Communications," on Sunday, October 23, 2016, at 12:00 p.m., at the Howard University School of Communications (525 Bryant St. NW). Norton has known Hughes since before she was elected to Congress and has cheered as Hughes rose from WOL 1450 at 4th and H Streets NE to become a major force in American media, shaping format and opinions and bringing news and entertainment while building a radio, television, and interactive media empire.

"The story of Cathy Hughes, the first African American to chair a publicly traded corporation, is less about rags to riches than guts to glory," Norton said. "Cathy Hughes launched her media career here at Howard University managing and branding WHUR and never forgot the District as her home base! Cathy and her son, Alfred Liggins, have built a family-centered media business with roots deep in the District and in the African American community in the United States. Our residents join me in taking tremendous pride that Radio One is one of the few publically traded corporations that began in D.C."
