Jack Martins Applauds Record Military Aid Package for Israel


Date: Sept. 15, 2016
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

"The MOU agreement to send a record $38 billion in military aid to Israel over the next ten years is a vitally important step to protecting both Israeli and American national security. As one of our closest allies and the only democracy in the volatile Middle East, it is vitally important that we stand with and support Israel.

For far too long, President Obama and his administration have sent signals that they don't value the United States' relationship with Israel. The administration's reckless agreement with Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, is a prime example. Delivering hundreds of billions of dollars to a country which refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist while expressly preventing American inspectors from entering Iranian nuclear facilities sends a terrible message to one of our strongest allies.

Reaching this agreement is a strong step towards rebuilding the ties that have been weakened by the foreign policy failures of the Obama administration. These resources are crucial to help Israel defend itself and address its security risks, which have been compounded by the growing volatility in the already unstable Middle East region.

True friends should never be taken for granted. Israel has stood shoulder to shoulder with us in the fight against terror; we must continue to stand with them."
