Issue Position: Fiscal Discipline

Issue Position

I believe we must get New Hampshire's spending under control and our finances in order. In many respects, we've become an instant gratification society with an entitlement mentality. We borrow money to buy things we can't afford and in many cases, do not need. Some believe government should provide "free benefits" that go far beyond the temporary safety net originally intended. Clearly, there's no such thing as "free". Everything received from government is paid for by you and I, the taxpaying citizens of New Hampshire. The entitlement, tax and spend perspective must change. We must convince our neighbors and our elected representatives that living within our means is an absolute necessity. Most of us do this in our own households and we should expect no less from our government.

During the previous Democrat controlled legislature, our state borrowed money to meet its annual budget, putting today's spending on the backs of our children and grandchildren. The current Democrat controlled legislature has increased taxes and fees, including a recent increase to the gas tax. The past Republican controlled legislature not only lived within its means, but reduced annual spending. We should spend only that which we can realistically expect to receive in tax revenues. Increasing taxes and spending beyond our means is not the answer.

Finally, we must have a plan to retire the debt to which New Hampshire is currently obligated. In doing so, taxes can be returned to their rightful owners, the hard working citizens of New Hampshire.
