Rokita Leads on Zika Solution, Introduces Fully Paid-for Plan

Press Release

Date: Sept. 15, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Todd Rokita, Vice-Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on the Budget, introduced H.R. 6040, the Zero Impacted Kids in America (ZIKA) Act, providing a fully paid-for, commonsense approach to funding Zika virus research. By reducing other social entitlement spending, the ZIKA Act is able to completely pay for the Zika virus research sought by both Republicans and Democrats in a way that will not add to our national debt.

"Americans want a cure and prevention for Zika, and funding such research is a huge priority. Americans and their representatives should now decide what is a lesser priority so that Zika research is fully funded. Without paying for new priorities, we add to the debt and put our children's quality of life in jeopardy. This would only solve a problem by enlarging another. That is why my bill provides the Zika research funding sought by both sides of the aisle in a way that is entirely paid-for."

The ZIKA Act provides $1.48 billion to the Department of Health and Human Services, $335 million to USAID, and $41 million to the State Department to combat the virus. The bill pays for this by reducing the Social Services Block Grants to states by 12.5% for nine years. This grant is a source of funds for a variety of social services, including redundant services that are covered by other existing federal programs.
