Issue Position: Women's Issues

Issue Position

Advocacy for women's issues is a core commitment during my three terms in Concord. During the 2010-12 sessions I fought back against Speaker O'Brien's extremist attacks on women's health care, and economic security and reproductive rights. I ran for the Senate committed to defend and move forward again on women's issues.

During the 2012-14 sessions, I sponsored and supported important legislation for women's economic security, rights, and health care.
Cosponsored the New Hampshire Paycheck Fairness Act.
Cosponsored "Joshua's Law," establishing domestic abuse as a discreet crime.
Prime sponsor of SB 348, establishing a commission on child sexual abuse prevention education.
Supported SB 319, the Clinic buffer zone act.
Supported the New Hampshire Health Protection Act, expanding coverage to over 50,000 low-income citizens and ensuring coverage of women's health needs.
Supported raising the New Hampshire minimum wage.
Supported the bipartisan budget with funding for education, mental health, and job training.
Prime sponsor of bills to increase workforce and facilitate other housing development.
Supported increased funding for schools, the USNH, CCSNH, and Career and Technical Education Centers, with an emphasis on increasing enrollment of women in STEM fields.
Prime sponsor of legislation to refocus and strengthen the Governor's Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention, Intervention & Treatment, with an effort to fully fund its programs.
Prime sponsor of bills to provide a clean and healthy environment, with a special emphasis on adaptation to global warming and sea-level rise.

These successes are a foundation for my commitment in running for reelection in 2014 to be a leader on women's issues. Working with the new Commission on child sexual abuse prevention education, Sexual Assault Support Services and the NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, I will introduce legislation to protect our children. The fight for a minimum wage bill must succeed, since women who work in low-paying jobs and are the primary earner in a family will benefit the most from a raise. My work on education funding for the Community College and University Systems, as well as the Career and Technical Education Centers, will benefit women who form a majority of the students in New Hampshire and will be an essential part of a 21st Century workforce. I will fight to continue Health Protection Act coverage beyond January 1, 2017, so women's health and economic security will be protected, at little or no cost to the state. Housing opportunities for women and families will also be the subject of legislation I will file to support private developers by cutting red tape and creating economic incentives.

Women's issues connect to all aspects of New Hampshire's life and economy, so I will always view legislation from this perspective.
