Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

--Balanced budget with no new taxes funds essential needs in education and mental health
Sen. Watters kept his pledge against an income or sales tax and worked with a bipartisan, unanimous senate coalition to restore funding for essential services.
--Tax credit bills boost jobs and economic development
Working with businesses, economic development directors, and District 4 Chambers of Commerce, Sen. Watters' bills doubled the research and development tax credit program and extended and expanded the Economic Revitalization Zone Tax Credit Program.

--Funding Transportation Needs in District 4
Sen. Watters fought for funding to rebuild roads and bridges and to provide road funds for District 4 projects. Supported by the Business and Industry Association, the NH Municipal Association, and local governments, he cosponsored the bill to raise the road toll by 4.2 cents a gallon. Serving on the Transportation Committee, Sen. Watters ensured the Ten-Year Highway Plan supported Rte. 108 upgrades, the Little Bay Bridges project, and planning for Exit 10 on the Spaulding Turnpike.

--Supporting Working Families
Sen. Watters fought back attempts to undermine collective bargaining and supported efforts to provide fair pension and medical benefits for New Hampshire workers.

Sen. Watters supports clean and renewable energy and reliable transmission infrastructure for electricity and natural gas to promote lower energy costs for families and businesses.

--Workforce and Affordable Housing
A member of the Commission on Affordable Housing, Sen. Watters sponsored bills to cut red tape and promote development of workforce housing.

--Minimum Wage
Sen. Watters took the "Minimum Wage Challenge" to experience life on minimum wage as part of the fight to create a New Hampshire minimum wage law.
