Issue Position: A Voice for Our Families

Issue Position

Our families deserve an advocate who will fight tirelessly for their interests on Beacon Hill. I will work hard for you because I know how hard it is to save up to buy a first house, to save up to send a kid to college, to save up for retirement. I know because this is the family I come from, and this is the family I am raising.

As a non-profit leader and area minister, I have long advocated for our families. From working with at-risk youth to preaching on the need for things like paid family medical leave, I have always fought for our communities' families, something that will remain a cornerstone of my commitments on Beacon Hill.

My Priorities:

*Securing a living wage for all of the Commonwealth's workers. Nobody working 40 hours per week deserves to live in poverty.

*Fighting for fairer tax policies that meet our Commonwealth's needs without burdening the middle class. I strongly support the proposed "millionaire's tax," which will moderately increase taxes on annual incomes over a million dollars in order to fund crucial investments in infrastructure and education.

*Ensuring access to high-quality, affordable healthcare for all residents.
