Issue Position: School Funding, School Choice, and Quality Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

The issue of fairness and equality should remain central to the discussion about educational opportunity and funding. The current law states that each town spending the same amount of money per pupil will have the same tax rate. The actual school tax bill is then adjusted based on income. It is a complicated funding structure that I would work to simplify. However, the principal of equal opportunity must be protected.

I am a supporter of school choice for Hartland and West Windsor. I participated in a survey for School Choice Vermont. The questions and my responses can be viewed at:

This is clearly a current issue of concern to many voters in my district. Although school choice might create budgetary challenges, I recognize the value of a good education. School choice is a great leveler - it can serve to minimize the effect of geographic and socioeconomic factors. A student should not be limited in his or her educational options.

School funding in Vermont is a complex topic that will require careful and continuing consideration. Although school district consolidation might prove to be a logical option, I do not want to lose school choice for Hartland and West Windsor students. Many families moved into our community because of school choice, and it is clear that some families will move away if school choice is lost. Educational considerations aside, I believe that even residents who don't have children in the schools realize that their property values will drop if this educational option disappears.

We need to provide motivation and encouragement for Vermont students to pursue higher education. Individuals who lack a college degree may be denied numerous opportunities in our modern world. Financial barriers and lack of preparation should not be the driving factors for a student's decision not to enroll at a college or university.

I am opposed to costly state and federal mandates, especially those that impose standardized testing. Education should not be about teaching children to score well on a test. Our public schools need the flexibility to meet the academic needs and creative abilities of all our students.

Maintaining quality education in Vermont is essential. Education is the key to providing for the future of our children. A well-educated populace strengthens our communities and our economy. Seeing that our children have opportunities to excel is high on my priority list.
