Issue Position: Grow Our Local Economy

Issue Position

Local businesses are the heart of our community and when we grow and sustain our local businesses, we build strong communities. To succeed, we need to invest in infrastructure and downtowns, foster small businesses and innovation, develop a 21st century workforce for the 21st century and while supporting our local green economy. I will work towards:

* Better broadband
* There are still many homes in our communities without affordable, quality broadband internet access and cell service. Connectivity supports our entrepreneurs, start-ups, and telecommuters while providing children with learning opportunities. Many in our rural communities are having to make difficult choices between expensive, low-speed internet options and other basic necessities. Like rural electrification, last-mile service requires investment and public commitment to connect our hills with the world. I will fight for Vermonters' right to be connected and work tirelessly to finish the job on providing quality, affordable internet.

* Local Food System
* A growing number of Vermonters are employed in producing, manufacturing, and distributing high quality food products across the state. I will work actively with the Farm to Plate network of partners to support a renaissance in our local food system and ensure that our farmers get paid fairly for their products, expand opportunities for employment in food manufacturing and distribution, and increase Vermonters' access to high quality, healthy, locally sourced food.

* Supporting young kids staying here
* Vermont's economic growth depends on having an educated and skilled workforce. Currently, two-thirds of jobs in Vermont require post-secondary training, but only about half of Vermont students pursue education beyond high school. Our schools should encourage students and parents to aspire to education past high school and help create pathways to careers and livable wage jobs. I will expand post-secondary education, training, certifications and apprenticeships to better prepare young Vermonters to become the future workforce and ensure that our State colleges are affordable and accessible to all Vermonters.
