Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Education is Vermont's most important economic development investment. We need a smart, competitive workforce to not only grow our economy but to strengthen our democracy.

Realigning our ever increasing public education costs and steadily declining student population has been a top priority for the Vermont Legislature. The intent of Act 46 was to unify/consolidate the governance of school districts and in so doing, ensure that all students can access an equitable array of services and educational opportunities at an affordable price. As a result of this law, tough conversations have been held around how we educate our children in our communities. It was not designed to force the closure of small schools or end school choice -- it was meant to support sustainability, accountability, and equity in Vermont's education. And, it was designed to support local decisions. There are a number of plans to reform Act 46 which will be reviewed by the Legislature in this next session. As a Windsor County State Senator, I will work to reform this Act so that our schools and communities aren't jeopardized.

I also think we must continue to work to make Vermont's public colleges more affordable. The cost of higher education is a barrier to essential education for our VT youth and a debt burden for our families.
