Issue Position: Economic Growth

Issue Position

A stagnant economy has been a hallmark of the Obama years. Weak economic growth exacerbates the country's fiscal problems and diminishes opportunity for Americans from all walks of life. At a time in which millions of Americans have dropped out of the workforce and large percentages of young adults are underemployed, policies aiming to facilitate economic growth are as essential as they are overdue.
The Washington, D.C. insider-class has created thousands of jobs…in DC. In fact, six of the top ten richest counties in America are suburbs of Washington. This concentration of wealth is a direct result of the massive growth of government and the fact that leveraging political connections in service of economic benefits has become a cottage industry. People in Washington are interested in creating jobs for themselves, but that comes at the expense of Americans who live outside the D.C. Beltway.
Ron will champion pro-growth economic policies that will work for Americans who work hard but don't have political connections. Whether it's fighting for a simpler and fairer tax code that will unleash untapped capital, higher education reform that will make it easier for Floridians to get good jobs and keep them in an ever-changing and more global economy, or simply protecting us from a market-distorting regulatory regime that is often made to benefit a few at the expense of many, Ron will make job creation through economic growth a top priority.
